

Hey Everybody,

Thanks for checking out my official site and taking a listen to my music.  It's a humbling thing even to say that...I never would have thought back in the 7th grade when I was forced into piano lessons that I would have my own music. I am not one of those "I started singing in the womb" type people.  But I have loved Jesus for as long as I can remember, and He is truly the One who has brought me on this journey to loving Him through song.

I have been a worship leader for about 20 years now, and it was actually in preparation for a worship service that my song, Psalm 27, was birthed. I felt stuck while going through my song books so I asked the Lord what He wanted us to sing that night. I then opened my Bible to Psalm 27 (one of my favorite chapters) and out flowed the song in about three minutes' time.  

I strongly feel that the Lord led me to this passage to give a word that the people of this generation so desperately need to have written on their hearts. Where is our confidence in these times when many hearts will fail out of fear? This song is a declaration of faith that we can be completely confident that we will one day see the beauty of the Lord. My hope and prayer is that the Lord would strengthen your hearts and deepen your confidence in Him as you worship with this song.

Blessings and Love,

Becky Lang

Becky currently resides in Peoria, Illinois, with her husband, Keith, and their four children, Judah (11yrs), Rayah (9yrs), Faith (7yrs), and Viennah (4yrs) and attend Oasis Church in Peoria.

Psalm 27
Becky Lang

The Lord is my light

The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom shall I fear
The strength of my life
The strength of my life of whom shall I
Be afraid

In this I, in this I
In this I will be confident
In my life, I’ll look high
And see the beauty of the Lord

One thing, only one thing
Only one thing, Jesus
You’re the one thing that I seek

Beautiful (beautiful)
Wonderful (wonderful)
Glorious (glorious)

Time of Singing
Becky Lang 

You are gazing into my heart
You are waiting just for me to rise up
And open the door
For You are ready to draw me away
To rise up and come away

Oh the rain is over and gone
So let me see Your voice and hear Your voice Jesus
Oh the time of singing has come
For I am Yours and You are mine Jesus

A new day a new song
You speak and the clouds are gone
Light breaks through, life made new
You're calling, you're drawing me away

You're drawing me away (drawing me) x4

Oh the rain is over and gone
So let me see Your voice and hear Your voice Jesus
Oh the time of singing has come
For I am Yours and You are mine Jesus x3