What's Next
To download "Time of Singing", visit iTunes or Amazon.
Other songs we plan on recording down the road include "Romans Road", "Little Sparrow," "Pass by Me", "Bringing Glory", "Fire", "He'll Ride", and more. We were so blessed to record another single, "Time of Singing" with our friend Sarah Douglass. It's a song about letting Jesus draw us away into His presence and just delighting to be with Him. "Romans Road" is a soulful song and shows the way of salvation through the scriptures in the book of Romans. "Little Sparrow" is a lullaby-like song about God's loving care for His children (Luke 12), and "Pass by Me" tells the story of the woman who desired to touch Jesus' garment (Matthew 9)...told from her point of view. "Bringing Glory" is about the old man being done away with and God bringing His glory in our lives. "He'll Ride" is inspired from Revelation 19:11-16 and is an intense prophetic message telling of the return of our great King, Jesus on a white horse.
If you would like to help us on our journey in glorifying our King through worshipful song, there are several things you can do. First, pray! We believe that it is God, and He alone, who will direct our steps and take these efforts of ours to accomplish His will, and prayer is the most important tool in allowing Him to do that. Next, spread the word! Tweet about us, like us on Facebook, roll down your car window and belt our music out at the top of your lungs...any or all of those will work! And finally, we would love for you to partner with us to help fund recording more worship music. To do so, simply click "donate" on the left of this page and follow the steps to give.
Blessings to you!